Bee Keeping Tools
*Prices subject to change *

Stainless Steel "J" Hook Hive Tool
The Frame Lifter

Plastic Queen Catcher

Frame Scraper

Multi-Purpose Hive Tool
Swiss Army Knife of bee tools

Super Hive Tool

Wood Handle Frame Grip

Queen Marking Tool

Bee Brush
Extra soft brush that will not harm bees when brushed from the equipment.

Frame Spacer
Frame Spacer 8, 9, and 10

Replacement Smoker Grate

Metal Mouse Guard Adjustable
Fits 8 or 10 Frame Hives

Plastic Boardman Feeder

Pail Drain Bracket

Metal Frame Spacers
9-10 and 7-8

Frame Perch

Hive Beetle Trap

Entrance Feeder Holds 1 Qt

Spur Embedder

Wire Crimper

The Pro 9" Smoker $27.95
Short 6"Â Smoker $19.95

Tiny Smoker

Sivan Smoker

100% Cotton Knitted Smoker Fuel
2 lbs Cut-Offs

100% Cotton Smoker Fuel Yarn
2 lb Bag

Swarm Lure
Should be sufficient for 15 hives or applications.
Abejar spray for easy application is used in beekeeping to attract swarms coming out of the hive.

This 100% natural repellent has none of the nasty odors usually associated with bee repellents, and won’t leave your bees disoriented or distressed.

Pushes bees out of honey supers for an efficient honey harvest.

Wax Foundation with Crimped Wire
Medium $1.70
Shadow $0.94Â
Deep $1.45

Medium Cut Comb Foundation
Shadow $.80


Stoner Silicone Mild Release


Pail Opener

Digital Refractometer

10 Frame in Hive Feeder

Varroa Eddy

Double Stainless Steel Strainer Adjustable
Stainless Steel $35.95
Nylon Double Strainer $15.95

Honey Gate Valve
Stainless Steel $24.95

IPM Board

Hair Roller Cage

Guardian Hive Beetle Trap

Guardian Nuc Beetle Trap

Metal Push Pins
$19.95 for 200$74.95 for 1000
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Hidden Happiness Bee Flag
Comes with one set of flags and rod.

Metal Queen Excluder
Comes in 8 and 10 Frame
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Queen Rearing Products
*Prices Subject to Change*
Queen Catcher /Marker

Queen Marking Pens
$6.95Â each

Push in Cell Protector


3 Layer Ventilated Suit

Ultimate Jacket Pro Vent

3 Layer Ventilated Jacket

Cotton Suit

Cotton Jacket

Children 3 Layer Ventilated Suit

Infant Cotten Suit
White, Pink, Blue
1-2yr old size